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In this video learn about how to create a Bridge Table for a Many-To-Many Relationship using Power Query in either Power BI or Excel Power Pivot. Learn three methods for a Bridge Table: B-Directional Filetrs, CROSSFILTER DAX Function or a Table Filter.
1. (00:23) Introduction & look at Data Modeling Problem
2. (01:00) Fundamental Problem with a Many-To-Many Relationship
3. (02:05) What is a Many-To-Many Relationship?
4. (03:25) Start to create Reports and discover the Problem with a Many-To-Many Relationship.
5. (04:52) Build Bridge Table using Excel Power Query
6. (07:32) First look at underlying filtering for a Many-To-Many Relationships
7. (08:36) Three Options with a Bridge Table.
8. (09:02) Build Bridge Table using Power BI Desktop Power Query
9. (10:25) Bi-Directional Filter
10. (10:53) Visual Animation to illustrate how Many-To-Many Relationship works with a Bridge Table.
11. (11:39) Ambiguity in Model with Bi-Directional Filters.
12. (12:19) CROSSFILTER DAX Function example
13. (13:41) Table Filter Example
14. (14:05) Expanded Diagram to “see” how Table Filter works with a Bridge Table and a Many-To-Many Relationships
15. (15:08) Difference between Grand Total Cell formulas for CROSSFILTER and Table Filter
16. (16:10) Cross Tab Report
17. (16:53) Conclusion
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.