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In this video learn about how add total units from a Fact Table with Book ID. See two formulas: Total Units for each Book ID, but then also Total Units for Each Author when each book may have multiple Authors, in a Many-To-Many Relationship. Learn about the Plus Math Operator for OR Logical Test. See the IF Function to lookup correct Book IDs based on OR Logical Test.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (01:12) Many-To-Many Relationships. What is a Many To Many Relationship?
3. (02:34) Worksheet Formulas and caveats
4. (03:22) SUMIFS, INDEX and MATCH Worksheet Functions to create a Total Units for Book ID Report.
5. (06:01) SUMIFS, INDEX, MATCH, IF and SUMIFS Worksheet Functions in an OR Logical Test Calculation to help simulate a Many-To-Many Relationship with the goal of creating to create a Total Units for each Author Report.
6. (08:05) OR Logical Test
7. (12:52) Conclusion
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.