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In this Video learn all about Power Query’s Group By feature. See Four Examples of how to use Group By to Calculate Total Sales, Standard Deviation, Join Names and Rank Sales.
1. (00:15) Introduction
2. (01:30) What Does Power Query Group By feature do?
3. (02:58) Examples of PivotTable, SUMIFS, Data Model PivotTable and SQL Code to see that Power Query Group By is VERY Similar
4. (05:55) Example of Simple Power Query Group By Command for Total Sales
5. (08:50) First Look at Table.Group Power Query Function
6. (10:17) Example of using Group by to get Tables of Grouped Records, or Matching Records
7. (11:55) Standard Deviation Custom Column Based on Grouped Records Table
8. (14:41) Joined Text Items from Unique List formula in Custom Column Based on Grouped Records Table
9. (16:23) Detail look at Table.Group Function. Edit and create arguments in Third Argument to List Multiple New Columns with Formulas
10. (21:32) Power Query Group By to Help Rank Sales for Each Product
11. (26:24) Group By More Than One Column
12. (27:11) Fast Trick for Group By: Placeholder Function
13. (28:51) Add new data and see that everything updates.
14. (29:38) Summary
Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.