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In this Video learn about Power Query’s 6 types of Joins, 6 Types of Merges.
1. (00:15) Introduction.
2. (00:24) Full Description of What A Join is and what a merge is. What is A Join?
3. (06:06) Inner Join
4. (13:05) Create Folders to organize Queries
5. (13:35) Full Outer Join
6. (17:55) Left Anti Join
7. (20:30) Right Anti Join
8. (23:27) Left Outer Join for Lookup
9. (26:16) Left Outer Join for Two Value Lookup
10. (28:28) Left Outer Join to pull matching Multiple Records from the Right Table (One Lookup Value, Return Multiple Items).
11. (29:41) See how to use Expand Column to Aggregate Values.
12. (31:53) Right Join Outer
13. (34:37) Self-Join
14. (36:56) Summary

Comprehensive Microsoft Power Tools for Data Analysis Class, BI 348, taught by Mike Girvin, Excel MVP and Highline College Professor.