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Learn how to count numbers between upper and lower limits with a PivotTable and the FREQUENCY Array Function. Learn how the counts can be different with the two methods and why this happens. See the exact categories that each feature uses to count quantitative values between in upper and lower limit.

1. (00:00) Introduction
2. (00:35) PivotTable Method with Decimals Numbers.
3. (02:11) FREQUENCY Array Function Method with Decimals Numbers.
4. (04:22) Look at each automatic category that is created for counting and see were the values are counted. VERY important to understand why there is a difference between the two methods.
5. (05:15) PivotTable Method with Whole Numbers. Bonus Trick #1.
6. (06:17) Extract records from a PivotTable to verify that the counts are correct! Bonus Trick #2.
7. (06:40) Closing and call out for comments and Video Links