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Learn how to get the EOMONTH function to spill all the lower and upper limits for a month sales report. Then we build a single cell spilled sales report for month sales by Sales Rep. Learn about these functions: EOMONTH, CHOOSE, UNIQUE, SORT, SUMIFS, INDEX, IFERROR, SEQUENCE, ROWS, SUM and LAMBDA.
Solution comes from Bill Szysz.

1. (00:00) Introduction to Bill Szysz trick.
2. (00:30) EOMONTH Trick to spill a rectangular range of upper and lower limits of dates for SUMIFS function criteria for a monthly sales report.
3. (00:41) Analysis Toolpak Addin Functions, like EOMONTH can spill results. Problem!
4. (01:22) Double Negative to trick EOMONTH.
5. (02:10) Function argument array operation in months argument of EOMONTH.
6. (03:22) CHOOSE to join a two column table with a one column table using array syntax {1,1,2}.
7. (04:45) UNIQUE to get unique set of records.
8. (05:00) LET function to define variables and make formula more efficient by avoiding repetition.
9. (06:24) SORT with [sort_index] argument with array constant {3,1}.
10. (07:00) SUMIFS and INDEX to create summary column for final report.
11. (09:57) CHOOSE to create final three column report.
12. (10:47) INDEX to create errors for total row.
13. (11:48) IFERROR to add total row.
14. (12:03) CHOOSE to create total row.
15. (13:00) Test formula with new data.
16. (13:27) Look at LAMBDA function to create function.
17. (14:21) Summary, Closing and Video Links

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Introduction to LAMBDA Excel Function. LET & LAMBDA together to make Single Cell Reports. EMT 1706.