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Learn how to create a worksheet formula that takes two number columns and combines then and then sorts.
1. (00:00) Introduction.
2. (00:25) SMALL, SEQUENCE and COUNT functions and the Comma Reference Operator. Microsoft 365 Excel solutions.
3. (01:27) Array Constant example.
4. (02:21) Formula that works in any version: SMALL, ROW, INDIRECT. Learn about entering an array by pre-highlighting range and using Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
5. (03:13) Define Name Solution with Comma Reference Operator.
6. (03:48) Keyboard Ctrl + F3 to open Name Manager.
7. (04:19) LARGE, SEQUENCE and COUNT functions and the Comma Reference Operator. Microsoft 365 Excel solutions.
8. (04:25) Keyboard F3 to Paste Name in Formula.
9. (04:47) Summary and Video Links.