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Learn how to create a formula to lookup second smallest number. See formulas for Microsoft 365 Excel and Older Versions. See Four Amazing Formula Examples. Also see how to get 2nd Biggest using the LARGE Function rather than SMALL.
To get Biggest use LARGE Function. To get Smallest use SMALL.
1. (00:00) Introduction.
2. (00:31) SMALL Function.
3. (01:10) SMALL & UNIQUE function. Works only in Microsoft 365 Excel.
4. (01:46) SMALL, MIN and IF Functions. Works in any version of Excel.
5. (04:03) FREQUENCY, IF and SMALL Functions. Works in any version of Excel.
6. (05:42) Pick out the second Biggest Number using LARGE.
7. (06:10) End Video Links
Extract Second Smallest Number. Lookup Second Smallest Number. Excel Formula to get second smallest number. Extract Biggest Smallest Number. Lookup Biggest Smallest Number. Excel Formula to get second biggest number. To get Biggest use LARGE Function. To get Smallest use SMALL.