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See how to use formulas to calculate “PivotTable Show Values As: Calculations:
1. (00:14) Introduction to unusual formulas for standard PivotTable Show Values As Calculations
2. (01:29) Total Revenue Formula for either Product or Manufacturer in single column. See the functions: SUMIFS, SUBSTITUTE, IF and ISBLANK.
3. (05:53) % Column Total Formula.
4. (06:26) % Parent Total Formula. See the functions: ISBLANK, MATCH and INDEX.
5. (13:30) % Parent Row Total Formula. See the functions: IF, OR and ISBLANK.
6. (16:04) Summary

Reference Video:
Excel Magic Trick 1394: Excel Formulas for: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
Excel Magic Trick 1393: PivotTable Show Values As: % Column Total, % Parent Total, % Parent Row Total
Excel Magic Trick 1395: DAX Formulas for % Grand Total, % Column Total, % Parent Total
Two Different SUMIFS functions in single column