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Learn how the basics of how to use the LET function and define variables within the formulas with repeating formula elements more efficient. Learn how to use LET and six other functions to create a mode formula for categorical data that lists all modes, one or more, for categorical data and will list categorical data mode name and the frequency or mode count.
1. (00:00) Happy New Year’s Eve!
2. (00:02) Introduction
3. (00:31) Categorical Data Mode Data Set
4. (00:36) PivotTable to calculate the Mode for Categorical Data
5. (01:01) Why a formula might be helpful to create a Mode with label and frequency
6. (01:25) LET function to build efficient formula with variables to create a dynamic mode calculation for categorical data that shows the categorical variable name and the frequency number, or mode count. See the functions: LET, SORT, UNIQUE, COUNTIFS, CHOOSE, FILTER and MAX
7. (04:40) Test Formula to see if it meets conditions of instant update and all results spill.
8. (05:18) Add Line Breaks with keyboard Alt + Enter to make formula easier to read
9. (06:00) Future of Excel and Happy New Year’s Eve!!!
10. (06:17) Closing and Video Links