This video first begins with management tips for when you put your shoes or clothes on to prevent puppy biting. And then continues with the training session I am doing with my own puppy. In this session I work on teaching the puppy to look at my eyes with duration after an attention noise, trimming one of the puppies nails for the first time with the dremel and teaching the puppy to offer paws up on a platform. This is a continuation of previous training sessions of my 9 week old puppy. You can look back at the previous training sessions by visiting my previous uploads.
Teach your puppy not to bite clothes and shoes:
Formula for solving unwanted behavior (this talks about using management and prevention):
Attention noise:
The previous session where he was having trouble looking away from the treats during the attention noise exercise, This was the 2nd training session I did with him:
Handling and grooming puppy training video:
Puppy obstacle course where he learned to put is paws up on a platform for the first time:
#professionaldogtraining #dogtraining #puppytraining