This is a video excerpt from one of my presentations I give at dog training seminars and conferences on the concept that you can change the dog's behavior and interest in food. You can condition food to have a calming effect or an arousing effect depending on how you use your own MOVEMENT. I have other videos on the topic of building or lowering arousal for food that you can find below. This one focuses only on the dog trainers movement. All dogs are different so for some dogs you may only focus on training them to be calm around food and never excite them, while others you might be working only on exciting them because of their low drive to work for food. Some dogs you may need to work on training them to be calm around the food in one situation for example service dog public access work while get them excited for the food in other situations like training a recall or teaching an alert behavior.

This is one of those dog training tips that are very basic but create an amazing results.

Thanks so much for watching!

Happy Training!

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