Do you have a dog who hates having his nails trimmed? You can teach your dog to sand his own nails! This is a great way to keep the nails short as you train your dog to be comfortable with actual nail trimming in small approximations. It also can speed up the training process for some dogs by first teaching them to do the behavior themselves it can build their trust and confidence in having their handler do their nails. I use back foot targeting to teach the dog to hit the sand pad I created with their back feet. My dog trainer friend from Australia Peta Clarke uses a sand board at an angle and then just gets the dog to put their front feet up on a platform behind the board and act as if they are going to step up with the back feet in order to sand the nails. She has a video on facebook but not on youtube of this behavior. This one should be much easier for some dogs as you wouldnt have to train back foot targeting.

Most dogs are more sensitive having their front nails trimmed rather than their back nails, so sanding the front on their own and clipping the back is an option.

grooming tool recall game

Teaching your dog to accept handling and grooming

5 tips for getting your dog to be comfortable with nail trimming

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