This video is for service dog teams who want to train their dog to be calm and confident when a dog suddenly charges, snaps, lunges or barks aggressively at their dog in a store or when out and about. This is also a great tutorial for those who want have a friendly dog who they would like to bring to dog friendly cafes and dog friendly shops where it can be common that another dog might lunge at them. This video can also be used as the final step for training dogs who have had issues with reactivity, with the help of a trainer to guide your through the steps so they can help you with when to raise and lower criteria. In NO WAY does this video condone training fake service dogs so you can go places pet dogs aren't allowed by law. Also even if you don't have a reactive dog you might want to hire a trainer to help you work with your service dog on this issue as it can be hard to break up criteria especially when moving onto extremely unpredictable circumstances. When in doubt, stick as much as you can to training set up where nothing can go wrong and you are using helpers and decoy dogs you trust.

Here is the protocol for working with dogs in training setups:

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