Does your dog pull you to the dog park? Pull you to your car? Or pull you to where you play fetch? Pull you when you cross the road? Pull toward a bush to sniff? Then this video is for you. This video goes over different techniques to break the steps up of what to train so that the dog isn’t so over excited during the training that they are unable to focus or take treats or play with toys with you. These are also great proofing games for loose leash walking in general. The tutorial shows how you train your dog to stay with you using toys if the dogs motivation is to get somewhere to play with you, as well as shows you how to train your dog using food if your dog is wanting to pull you somewhere.

This dog training tutorial was voted into existence by the Kikopup members. Thank you Kikopup members for supporting the creation of these free videos! It means a lot to me!

Here is a link to my 6 week self study leash walking course called Leash Walking CONNECTED:

The training tutorials mentioned in this video are:
Lets go:
Leash pressure: puppy tutorial-
Adult dog tutorial -

Lower excitement or arousal for toys:

If there were one exercise I think every dog should learn if they have to abide by leash laws, it is this one. If you want to know why some people struggle with a dog who pulls on leash, besides the issue of over-arousal, it is because they haven’t yet trained and proofed this behavior. The giving into leash pressure game teaches your puppy what to do when he hits the end of the leash, which is to turn around and come back to you. By training and conditioning leash pressure in small enough approximations it is possible to turn what is usually a frustrating and aversive experience into a cue that has a positive association to the dog that simply means “move with me”. A lot of people believe certain stimuli are “intrinsically” reinforcing or punishing. But this is simply untrue. It is possible through training and conditioning to change an animal’s emotional response to a certain stimuli. Instead of just relying on habituation, where dogs learn over repetition that being moved by you on leash isn’t terrible I suggest playing these training games to make it an experience where the dog doesn’t feel like it’s some sort of intimidation game. I also suggest doing the same with teaching a dog to be picked up as well as handled and groomed. A lot of trainers use something called pressure and release, which basically the reinforcer for the animal is to avoid the feeling of the pressure because they find it uncomfortable. By breaking the steps up small enough right from the start to condition the leash pressure simply as a positive cue without conflict, physical or psychological intimidation, you can create the same wanted behavior in the dog – that the dog moves toward you to release the pressure, without the unwanted negative emotional response and behavioral side effects that using punishment can cause.

Attention Game-
Leash walking reinforcing for standing next to you -
Direction changes-

#dogtraining #positivetraining #stoppulling