Most dogs without any training can find public restrooms an unpleasant or even worrisome place to be. This video is created to help service dog teams MASTER Public Restrooms and the weird, creepy and loud noises that happen in them! Although this video is made for service dog teams, it is highly beneficial for pet dogs in order to teach them to be confident going places like groomers, vets as well as going in your own bathroom to be bathed.

A wonderful thing about breaking the training up into small steps is that you see your dog make progress and you are building on frequent small successes which can be very reinforcing and motivating for the handler.

The tutorials I mention in this video are:

Teaching the “touch” cue where the dog touches an outstretched hand:

Teaching go to the mat (it’s called go to the bed but it’s the same training, just use a mat instead of a bed):

Teaching a service dog to maneuver in a tight space, backing up and turning while backing:

Grooming tips (this video has more examples of conditioning noises to create a positive emotional response):

Teaching a dog to be calm around a vacuum cleaner by breaking the training into small steps:

Service dog playlist:

Here are the times that the different tips and tutorials appear in this video:
00:00 INTRO and working on the noises that happen in public restrooms
16:18 Building your dog’s confidence around novel objects
19:58 Moving into a confined space or corner
21:28 Tip for pet dogs to get them comfortable going in your bathroom to take a bath
22:05 Building your dog’s confidence with floor surfaces
22:49 Adding the noises to the confined space

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