This video goes over one reason why newbie owners and newbie dog trainers FAIL when attempting to get their dogs to work for toys and treats as well as to get their dogs to like something like nail clippers, guests visiting the house or other dogs. This video is all about understanding the importance of the trainer’s MOVEMENT when training, and how it can make or break your training. A trainer could write the most amazing training plan which looks amazing on paper, but the way the trainer MOVES during the training could totally make or break the training depending on the dog.

All dogs have different personalities, so some dogs are not as affected by movement as others. But it is extremely important to learn to read your dog’s body language to see if your movement affects your dog.

This video also really is a great example of how you can turn a punisher into a reinforcer and turn a reinforcer into a punisher. This is why it’s extremely important to understand that you can’t just label things as being intrinsically reinforcing or intrinsically punishing to dogs. Everything is subjective and fluid. Only the dogs brain decides what is reinforcing and what is punishing, not the trainer.

Halo the Border Collie is just 9 months old in this video and the goal with him is to condition him to think anything I do with him is reinforcing. If you see something makes your dog feel uncomfortable you can train them in training sessions to be confident instead of worried to create a resilient learner.

I show myself working with a dog who is shy and reserved with guests in this video as well as describe how I worked with my own dog’s fear of a hand reaching at him. This is in no way advice for training your own dog. If you have a dog who is acting shy, reactive or aggressive toward people you need to go and hire a professional dog trainer who doesn’t use any forms of physical or psychological intimidation to help you with setting up a training plan, because even if you try to follow what I did in the video, you might raise criteria too fast and that can cause the dog’s behavior to get worse rather than better. As well as you might not be able to read your dog’s body language that it is time to raise or lower criteria.

How to read your dog’s body language:

The touch cue:

The chin rest:

How to train a dog that is OVEREXCITED about food-

How to train a dog who is OVEREXCITED about toys-
How to train a dog who is not interested in food-
Check out my dogs’ daily antics on INSTAGRAM:



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Happy Training!

- Emily Larlham (AKA Kikopup)

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