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Shy and Reactive Dog Training- 3 Calm Treat Deliveries

This is one video in a series of upcoming videos on how to help your shy or reactive dog to be calm and confident and solve their fear and arousal issues.

These treat deliveries can be used for counter conditioning for shy and reactive dogs but also for training dogs that get over excited in training sessions. These treat deliveries are also great for dogs that take treats hard when over excited- to prevent you being bitten.

Note: In this video my dog is very close to things that previously my dog was nervous about in the past. Use common sense, if your dog is scared of people or dogs, do not have your dog as close to the triggers as I have my dog in this video. I will be uploading more videos on how to train your dog using counter conditioning. If you wish to research more, there is a great book to read before you get started that is very short and to the point called Scaredy Dog by Ali Brown. But a quick tip with working with fearful and reactive dogs is that you never want to work with them or have them in a situation where they are over their threshold, you need your dog to be at a distance from the things that make him over aroused or scared where he is able to think and cope while training and managing your dog. Check out my Barking series for more on counter conditioning. For example this video on "Barking On a Walk"

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