In this video, we discuss data loss prevention as covered on the Information Systems and Controls ISC CPA exam.
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Data loss prevention (DLP) refers to strategies and technologies designed to prevent the unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording, or destruction of sensitive data. The goal is to ensure that data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized individuals. Here are some key components and strategies involved in DLP:

Identification of Sensitive Data: This involves discovering data that needs protection, such as personal information, intellectual property, or financial information.
Policy Enforcement: Organizations implement policies that define how different types of data can be handled and who can access it. DLP tools enforce these policies automatically.
Monitoring and Control: DLP solutions monitor data usage and transfers across the organization's network, including email, cloud services, and other communication channels. They can alert administrators or block transactions that violate policies.
Data Encryption: Encrypting data ensures that even if data is intercepted or accessed without authorization, it cannot be read.
Endpoint Protection: DLP solutions also protect data at endpoints (like workstations, mobile devices, and laptops) by controlling data transfer and storage activities.
Analysis and Reporting: DLP tools provide analytics to identify patterns of data misuse and generate reports for compliance audits.
Education and Training: Educating employees about data security practices is critical for preventing data loss through errors or negligent behavior.
Effective DLP requires a combination of technology, processes, and education to adapt to various threats and compliance requirements. Organizations often integrate DLP systems with other security technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and security information and event management (SIEM) systems to enhance data protection.

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