In this video, we discuss vulnerability management and cybersecurity as covere on Information Systems and Controls CPA exam.
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Vulnerability management is essentially a security strategy that focuses on preventing attacks by addressing weaknesses in information technology (IT) systems before they can be exploited by threats. This proactive approach is a crucial component of maintaining computer and network security, as well as managing IT risks more broadly.

At the core of vulnerability management is the process of identifying, categorizing, addressing, and resolving security weaknesses. Organizations implement this process to protect their systems and data from potential harm. This involves several key activities:

Detection and Monitoring: Organizations keep a constant watch for changes in their IT environments that might introduce new weaknesses or make systems vulnerable to recent threats. This step often involves using tools and procedures to monitor system configurations for any alterations that could lead to vulnerabilities.
Vulnerability Scans: These are systematic examinations of an IT environment aimed at uncovering security weaknesses. Organizations typically perform these scans after making significant changes to their systems or at regular intervals. The goal is to identify any vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could be exploited by attackers.
Remediation: Once vulnerabilities have been identified, the organization must act swiftly to address these issues. Remediation can take various forms, from applying software patches to updating configurations, with the aim of eliminating the identified weaknesses or reducing their potential impact.
In summary, vulnerability management is about taking proactive steps to find and fix security gaps in IT systems. By continuously monitoring for new vulnerabilities, conducting regular scans to detect them, and promptly addressing any that are found, organizations can significantly reduce their risk of security breaches and protect their critical assets.

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