In this video, we discuss privacy and confidentiality as covered on Privacy and Confidentiality Information Systems and Controls ISC CPA Exam.
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Privacy in this community is like the right of each homeowner to decide who can come to their house, look through their windows, or be invited to their private events. It's the homeowners' control over their personal space and the information they choose to share. For instance, a homeowner might not mind sharing their gardening tips with neighbors but would want to keep their financial conversations private.

Confidentiality, on the other hand, is like the measures the community takes to ensure that no one outside the community or uninvited guests can sneak into houses or private gatherings. It's the responsibility of the community's security team to make sure that the personal spaces and private events of homeowners are accessible only to those who have explicit permission to be there. This includes having fences, security guards, and strict entry controls.

In the context of cybersecurity:

Privacy refers to an individual's rights and control over their personal information and how it's shared. Just like homeowners decide who knows what about their lives, privacy allows individuals to control what personal information they share online and with which entities.

Confidentiality involves measures taken to protect that information from unauthorized access or leaks. Just as a gated community uses physical security measures to protect homes, confidentiality in cybersecurity involves techniques and policies to ensure that sensitive information is accessed only by authorized users and systems.

So, while privacy is about the individual's control over their information, confidentiality is about how that information is protected by others once it's shared. Both work hand in hand to ensure that personal information is shared and used in a secure and respectful manner.

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