In this video, I show you how you can create an eCommerce website using WordPress, WooCommerce, and Elementor Pro. With Elementor Pro you can create every single aspect of your website, and I will show you how, so you don't need third-party plugins or themes with a lot of settings in order to create your WooCommerce website. You can do it all with Elementor Pro.

First, we will get a domain and Webhosting, if you don't have that yet. Then we will install WordPress, get Elementor Pro, create pages, install WooCommerce, create a simple product in WooCommerce, create a variable product, import products in WooCommerce, create a template for the product page, and create a template for the archive pages.

Then we will talk about the WooCommerce Settings like currency, countries to sell to, and more. We will talk about coupon codes, shipping, taxes, and payment methods.

Of course, we will create an amazing homepage using Elementor Pro Elements and make use of pre made templates so you can save yourself some time in creating your webshop. After watching this video you are able to create an amazing webshop for yourself or for clients.

Overview With Timestamps
00:00 Intro
00:06 Overview Of The Tutorial
09:13 The 4 Steps We Will Take
10:18 Get A Domain And Webhosting
13:32 Choose A Domain name

17:58 Install WordPress
19:03 Make Your Website Secure
20:18 The Frontend and Backend Of WordPress
21:43 Clean Up Your WordPress Website
22:48 Configure Your Username/Account
24:03 Date and Time Format
24:41 Permalinks
25:49 Make Your Website Secure

Elementor Pro
26:02 Get Elementor Pro
29:02 Install Elementor Pro
30:45 Install The Hello Theme
32:14 Create Pages
35:14 Assign A Homepage

35:53 Create a Logo In Photoshop
38:50 Create a Favicon
40:16 Add a Site Title and Tagline

40:56 Install WooCommerce
41:32 The WooCommerce Wizard
43:28 Create a Simple Header Template
45:13 Create a Simple Product
45:32 Download Images On The Internet

Your First Product
48:47 The Product Title
49:07 Long Description
50:24 The Price and Sales
51:07 Inventory (Stock)
52:45 Sell Products Individually
53:42 Shipping
55:25 Add WooCommerce Product Categories
56:26 Product Tags
56:56 Add An Image
57:37 Product Gallery

58:54 Add Pages To The Menu
59:57 Create A Variable Product
59:57 Create Variables
1:11:14 Add Categories To Your Menu

Basic WooCommerce Settings
1:12:03 To Which Country Do You Sell
1:12:57 Change the Currency In
1:12:57 Add Different Kind Of Products
1:14:59 My Workflow In Adding Products
1:17:55 Import Products In WooCommerce
1:19:50 Add Reviews

Elementor Pro
1:25:28 Create A Single Product Template
1:30:53 Import Pre Made Temples For Free
1:32:35 Use Global Colors
1:43:23 Use Some Custom CSS
1:53:33 Make Your Template Responsive

1:57:52 Create A Product Archive Template
2:04:32 Change The Amount Of Columns
2:13:13 Add A Sticky Navigation Menu
2:19:49 Duplicate A Template
2:26:16 Style The Cart Layout
2:29:19 Change A Button Color With CSS
2:34:26 Edit The Checkout Page
2:36:17 Privacy Policy, Terms, and Conditions, etc.
2:39:30 Change WooCommerce Colors

WooCommerce Settings
2:45:21 WooCommerce Settings
2:46:59 GEOLocate
2:48:29 Products Settings
2:50:07 Inventory Settings
2:54:01 Accounts And Privacy
2:56:10 Email Settings

3:01:22 Coupon Codes In Percentage
3:07:02 Coupon Codes In Currency
3:08:53 Coupon Codes For Specific Products
3:10:25 Taxes
3:20:09 Automatic Taxes
3:21:41 Shipping
3:24:31 Table Rate Shipping
3:29:33 Create a Stripe Account
3:39:54 What Happens When People Buy Things

The Homepage
3:41:47 Get Inspired By Other Websites
3:46:33 Create The Homepage With Elementor Pro
3:54:27 Add Entrance Animations
3:58:48 Create A Section With 2 Columns
4:08:07 Show Products On The Homepage

The Footer
4:15:30 Add A Footer
4:23:31 Optimise The Footer For All Devices
4:24:23 What We Have Created
4:26:27 Optimise The Homepage For All Devices
4:27:58 The Final Result