WordPress enables you to create amazing websites. But when you want to take it to the next level by adding different kinds of pages with taxonomies, custom fields, and templates that display that information you need Custom Post Types, Advanced Custom Fields, and Eleementor Pro. In this video I show you how to do that.
I will show you how to create a Custom Post Type that enables you to create a new kind of page for your website. Like a portfolio, or real estate. Movies. People. Etc. For instance, you can create a Custom Post Type called Penthouses. But within those Penthouses Pages, I can only add a title, content, Featured Images, and a category. But I want to add more information. Like the amount of space. Storage. Space. Etc.
That is where ACF comes in. It allows me to create custom fields that enable me to fill in details about Penthouses really easily. When we have done that we can use the Dynamic Content Option within Elementor Pro to gather the information about the Custom Fields and Display them beautifully within our website. So. One more time. We create a new post type. Penthouses. Then we create custom fields. So we can fill in a lot of extra information about our Penthouses. And use Elementor Pro to display the information beautifully on our Penthouse page. This is commonly used on Real Estate Websites. But also websites like IMDB and Booking.com.
0:00 Intro
2:21 Get Elementor Pro
3:14 Create Custom Post Types
5:55 Choose A Custom Icon For Your Custom Post Type
7:00 Get The Free Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
11:09 Create Your First Case Study Post
15:09 Create A Template In Elementor Pro
42:32 Create The Case Study Archive Page
52:06 Create Related Cuse Studies
54:34 Show Case Studies On The Homepage