Learn the secrets to create the perfect elevator pitch and sales pitch with Patrick Dang.
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No matter what you do for a living, you’re always selling.

Whether it’s selling a product, service, or even yourself.

This might take the form of a meeting, presentation, or even talking to someone you’d like to work in an elevator!

But without understanding the basics of creating your elevator or sales pitch, most people end up rambling about themselves, leaving their audience bored.

So in this video, we’re going to cover the most effective ways to craft your elevator pitch and sales pitch to get the results you’re looking for.

By the end of the video, you're going to walk away with a powerful elevator pitch template you can use to pitch anything.

The first essential element to creating your elevator pitch is understanding who your audience is.

It’s essential to make sure you tailor your elevator or sales pitch for that specific individual or group.

Next up, you’ll also have to define a clear outcome for your pitch.

Whether that’s to pitch to move forward to the next meeting, next job interview, or close the sale right on the spot.

Once you have the pitching mindset down, you’re going to need to learn how to pitch whatever it is you’re selling in ONE SENTENCE.

It’s vital to clearly communicate your value and why your audience should continue listening within the first 5 to 10 seconds of your elevator pitch.

To do this, we’ll be using the formula, I help X achieve Y by doing Z.

This elevator pitch and sales pitch formula can be applied to all types of industries from marketing agencies, real estate, and SaaS technology products.

Finally, once you learn how to master your one-sentence pitch, you’ll be doing your full pitch now that your audience is interested in what you have to say!

And to craft your elevator pitch, you’ll be answering three basic questions.

1) Challenge: What challenge is your audience is facing that you might be able to help them with.

2) Solution: What is your proposed solution to solve this challenge. It can be in the form of a product, service, idea, or even yourself.

3) Why:
Why “This” - what value does your offer bring to them, explain why they must solve their challenge

Why “You” - even if you have a solution, why should they choose you out of all the other alternatives out there

Why “Now” - even if “This” and “You” make sense, why should they do this NOW instead of next week or next year

Using this simple formula, you’ll be able to craft the perfect elevator pitch and sales pitch.


About Patrick Dang

Patrick Dang is an international sales trainer who started his career at Oracle in Silicon Valley and quickly became on the top performers in North America in just one year.

After gaining experience in both the enterprise and startup world, Patrick began sharing his knowledge of modern sales students around the globe.

Since then, Patrick has trained over 50,000 students across 150 countries on topics on how to start a career in sales, business development, lead generation using cold email and LinkedIn, cold calling, and sales skills.

Ultimately, Patrick's vision is to inspire others to make a living from their passions and provide the knowledge and tools to make it a reality.

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Connect With Patrick Dang
Sales Legacy Masterclass: https://www.saleslegacy.com/
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