In this video, you’ll learn how to find seed prospects for your link building campaign.

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[Playlist] Advanced Link Building Course by Ahrefs ►

[Previous Lesson] Competitor Analysis: Understanding How a Page Got Backlinks - 1.2. Link Building Course ►

[Next Lesson] How to Grow Your List of Prospects With “Lookalike Prospects” - 2.2. Link Building Course ►

How to Do a Basic Backlink Analysis on Your Competitors ►

How to Get Backlinks By “Stealing” From Low-Quality Pages ►


Seed prospects are people who link to a page for a specific reason. They may link because of a particular point made in the content, or because they like the brand, or for other reasons.

Finding seed prospects is essential for your link building campaign because of two things:

► you’ll understand why people are linking to a page
► you’ll know how to approach them in your outreach pitch.

When it comes to finding link prospects, one of the most important skills you’ll need is the ability to identify patterns. In our case, a pattern is the common reasons for linking or commonality among linking pages.

You can look for patterns in 3 places when analyzing a competing page’s link profile. And these places are:

► the context of links to a competing page;
► the referring page titles of a competing page’s backlinks;
► incorrect, dangerous, or outdated recommendations in the content.

You’ll learn more about these patterns in the video.

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