Dynamic search ads are a type of Google Ads campaign that automatically generates and optimizes ads based on a business's website content, products, and inventory. Here are some key things to know about dynamic search ads:

Automated Ads - With dynamic search ads, Google's algorithm will automatically create relevant ad titles, descriptions, and landing pages tailored to searchers' queries. You provide Google with website content, and their tech handles ad creation.

Real-time Optimization - The ads are dynamically generated in real-time to match search queries. The ads can update themselves to respond to trends and performance data to optimize relevance and clicks.

Expanded Reach - Dynamic search campaigns can help expand your reach by serving highly relevant ads tailored to search queries that may not match your predefined keywords.

Landing Page Matching - Google will automatically match ads to relevant landing pages on your site, increasing relevancy.

Feed-Based - Dynamic ads pull data from a merchant feed of products/inventory and website content to generate ads on the fly based on that inventory.

Improved Performance - By optimizing ads based on performance, dynamic ads typically see higher click-through rates compared to regular static search ads.

In summary, dynamic search ads use automation and real-time optimization powered by Google's algorithms to create and deliver tailored, high-performing ads that can help businesses reach more customers. The automated nature saves time while improving results.