Check out our tutorial about how to set-up Bing Ads auto tagging to track your campaigns into Google Analytics. We show you how to set-up UTM tracking so you can monitor Bing Ads conversions and optimize your PPC advertising campaigns. Rather than adding tracking to every one of your URLs for your text ads, you want to set-up auto tagging so that utm tags are created automatically for Google Analytics.

Microsoft Advertising aka Bing Ads Tutorial on Surfside PPC:

One of the major mistakes new advertisers make is not tracking their campaigns. How do you know how many sales and leads you are driving due to Bing Ads if you don't have tracking set-up properly? How do you optimize your campaigns if you aren't using Bing Ads conversion tracking? That's why you absolutely need to set-up auto tagging and you can quickly and easily see all of your campaign results, stats, and more due to your PPC Advertising spend in Bing Ads.