Discover the Google AdWords Ad Countdown Customizers Tutorial - You Can Learn How To Set Up Countdowns with Google Ads. We go over the Google AdWords countdown function and different examples of how you can do it.

Google AdWords countdown ad customizers can help you show limited time offers, short sales, coupons, and deals. They create urgency within your advertisements and you don't have to continuously update your ads every single day. Instead, you can show sales and it will improve your Google AdWords Click-Through Rates (CTR), quality scores, and conversion rates. There are plenty of use cases that will help you improve sales during the holiday season.

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Countdown functions can help you can down by day, then by hour, and then even by the minute. One simple function with the proper Syntax in your Google advertisement will help create urgency with a limited time offer. For example, it will show that there are 5 days left with your ad, 12 hours left, and even down to the minutes.

From your Google Ads account, you can go to your campaign and click on the Ads & extensions tab. You can click to add a new text ad or edit an existing ad. You can add a countdown using the opening bracket "{" and then using the proper syntax.