Discover all of the Google Display Network Targeting Methods and a Strategy you can use. When it comes to Google Display Network Targeting Options, you have so many different ways to reach your audience and drive conversions. This tutorial will go through the beginning of the creation of a Google AdWords Display Advertising campaign and we focus on targeting methods.

Google Analytics and Google Display

When it comes to location targeting, geo targeting, demographic targeting, household income, age targeting, and gender targeting, you should use your Google Analytics data to drive your decisions. It doesn't make sense to target people who are less likely to convert, so focus on layering your targeting options to reach the best people.

Audience targeting on the Google Display Network

Demographics Targeting allows you to target your advertisements based on locations, ages, genders, and device types.

Affinity Audience Targeting allows advertisers with TV type campaigns to extend a campaign online a reach an effective audience. These are large, broad audiences that might not drive direct conversions, but they are effective for expanding a campaign.

In-market: Show ads to users who have been searching for products and services like yours. These users may be looking to make a purchase, or have previously made a purchase and could still be interested enough to interact with your ads.

Custom intent: Choose words or phrases related to the people that are most likely to engage with your site and make purchases by using "custom intent audiences." In addition to keywords, custom intent audiences lets you add URLs for websites, apps, or YouTube content related to your audience's interests.

Similar audiences: Expand your audience by targeting users with interests related to the users in your remarketing lists. These users aren't searching for your products or services directly, but their related interests may lead them to interacting with your ads.

Remarketing: Target users that have already interacted with your ads, website, or app so that they'll see your ads more often. These users can be in any stage of conversion, as long as they've visited your site or clicked on your ad before. These users may even return to complete a purchase.

In conclusion, Google Display Network targeting and content options don't have to be difficult to understand. Hopefully, our Google Display Network GDN targeting strategy and tutorial can work for you to drive sales, leads, and conversions.