What are Google Search Partners? What is the Google Search Network? We explain the Google AdWords Search Partners vs the Google Search Network and everything you would ever need to know about search partners. Three common questions that people have that we will answer: Where is a Google Search Partners List? Can I exclude Google search partners? Should I target Google Search Partners? New advertisers will have a ton of questions about the Google Search Network and how it different from Search Partners.

When you first get started with Google AdWords aka Google Ads, you are going to need to use the Keyword Planner and Create Your First campaign. You can select to target Google and Search Partners or Google only. So who are the partners you are targeting? Should you include partners when you are using the Keyword Planner? We personally target search partners with our search campaigns unless the data and conversion statistics say we should exclude it.

Google Search Partners: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2616017?hl=en

Google Search Network: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/90956?hl=en&ref_topic=24937

Google Search Partners List 2018

Google does not give a list of their partners because it changes so often that it would be impossible to publish. You can find a lot of partners online and some people have created lists, but there is not a single, exact list of Google search partners in 2018 and there likely won't be one in 2019.

A lot of websites will be on the list one year and gone the next. Two huge websites that no longer support Google Search are AOL, which is powered by Bing, and Alexa.com.

Search partners always change over time and the list would be huge if it was published online. If we really were to list all sites that were Google search partners, the list would hundreds of thousands of publishers.

What is The Google Search Network?

The Google search network includes Google.com, Google Maps, Google Shopping, and Google Play. Basically, any Google website (besides YouTube) with a search engine is part of the Google search network.

There is also the Google Display Network, but that is completely separate from Search and Search Partners. On the Display Network, ads usually reach people based on the websites they visit, interests they have, or their behavior patterns. On the Search Network, ads usually reach people who type a specific search.

What is the Google Search Partners Network?

If you were to add a Google powered search engine to your website, you would become part of the Search Partners Network. Any search engine that is outside of the Google.com network, but that is powered by Google, is part of the search partners network. Some of the most popular websites include Ask.com, W3schools.com, and Guardian.com. They use the Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) to power their site searches.

Lastly, Amazon.com and YouTube.com are considered two of the top Google Search Partners.