When you get started with Google AdWords PPC Advertising, there are several mistakes that new advertisers make. In this video, we go over common Google AdWords mistakes and pitfalls that you want to avoid at all costs. These mistakes will ruin your budget and you will have trouble optimizing your search advertising campaigns.

Google AdWords Mistakes:

1. Choosing Search Network with Display Select as your Google AdWords Campaign Type.

If you make the mistake above, you will have trouble running a successful campaign. I have never found any reason to run a campaign with Search Network with Display Select. Basically, it is a campaign that runs on both Google AdWords Search and Display Networks but you don't have a lot of control. The reason this type of campaign is a huge mistake is because the targeting on the search and display networks are completely different.

2. No Conversion Tracking or Campaign Tracking.

With Google AdWords and Google Analytics, it is very easy to set-up conversion tracking and campaign tracking. You can track everything through Google Analytics including your campaigns, ad groups, ads, conversions, keywords, and everything you ever need. Campaign tracking through Google AdWords allows you to drive more conversions and sales and optimize your campaigns properly. Ultimately, you want to drive at least 15 conversions per month so you can utilize the Google AdWords Conversion Optimizer. You want to track everything possible with your budget.

3. Only Bidding on Broad Match Keywords.

Last but not least, one of the major Google AdWords mistakes I see all the time is that advertisers only bid on broad match keywords. Broad match keywords lead to too many unrelated searches and you will have to look in your search terms reports constantly for negative keyword ideas.