Check out our Google AdWords Express Tutorial to learn how to Set-up AdWords Express Ads. Our Google AdWords Express Tips and campaign set-up tutorials will help you understand the different campaign objectives you have and Express vs Google AdWords.

Quick Disclaimer, we here at Surfside PPC recommend using Google AdWords rather than the express version. You have more control over your campaigns, the keywords you are targeting, and who is engaging with your advertisements.

Google AdWords Express Tutorial:

What you want to do first is go to the Google AdWords Express page here: and sign-in using your Google account. You are not able to run both Google AdWords and AdWords Express using the same Google account.

You will need to set-up your business quickly in Google AdWords express by entering your business name, location, and website. Once that is all set-up, you can get started with advertising by selecting one of the campaign goals.

One option is to drive more phone calls to your business. Almost every business could use more phone calls like Dentists, plumbers, advertising agencies, air conditioning companies, restoration companies, pest control, home improvement, contractors, and more. Regardless of what your small business does, phone calls are valuable and help you drive more leads, more business, and more revenue. All you have to do is select your location targeting, select keywords that are most relevant for your business, create your ad, set your budget, set your bids, and click submit.

Another option is to drive more traffic to your website and to improve conversion actions on your website. The targeting is similar to phone calls but Google AdWords Express will optimize to send traffic to your website and hopefully help you drive leads, contacts, and sales. You pick your location, keywords, and create your advertisement like you do in the previous step. You also get complete control over your budgets and bids.

Last but not least, you can choose the Google AdWords Express campaign goal of driving more people to your storefront. If you own a store, you are able to run your ad to targeted consumers and hopefully get them to visit. Google AdWords will target people who they feel have an interest in your store and will be the most likely to visit. You set your location targeting, keywords, create your ad, and have complete control over your Google AdWords Express costs so you don't have an expensive campaign whatsoever.

Google AdWords Express Reviews:

In our opinion, we believe Google AdWords Express is best for advertisers who have a small budget and want to start advertising on a limited basis. If you want to spend $5-$10 per day running PPC Advertising, Search Advertising, and Search Engine Marketing ads, Google AdWords Express is not a bad option. We have seen some success for small businesses with a storefront. In terms of Ecommerce website and larger websites without a storefront, you will see better results bidding on keywords through Google AdWords. You are giving up some control when you use Google AdWords Express and you are trusting Google to drive you results.

Google AdWords Express App:

You can download an App to manage your Google AdWords Express campaigns and costs. The app is published by Google on the Google Play Store and iTunes and we included the links below.

Google Play:


More Helpful URLs:

We put a collection of helpful URLs below so in case our Google AdWords Express tutorial isn't helpful, you can find more resources below.

AdWords Express:

Official Help Page:

How Google AdWords Express Works:

Google AdWords Express Pricing:

Success Stories: