Remarketing Lists for Search Ads aka RLSA are a great strategy for Google AdWords. Check out our Remarketing Lists for Search Ads Tutorial updated for 2017 and 2018. Our RLSA tutorial will help you get started so you can target Remarketing Lists with your own Google AdWords search campaigns.

What is RLSA?

Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) are lists you can populate with website visitors and target through the Google AdWords search network. You can adjust your bids up or down for your Remarketing lists and increase your website conversions.

In our tutorial, we show you an example where we are targeting keywords and we build audiences who are likely to show the most interest in those keywords. That is the best way to help increase conversions and make sure customers convert with your website rather than a competitor. In addition, our Remarketing lists for search ads best practices will help you understand how to improve your business faster with PPC Advertising.

How to Set Up RLSA

First, you need a Google AdWords and Google Analytics accounts connected. You can to go Linked Accounts as you go to Google AdWords and Link your Google Analytics and Google AdWords accounts with ease. From there, you go to Google Analytics admin screen, audience definitions, and audiences. You can create a new Audience for your Remarketing List and then publish it to your Google AdWords account. You can to go Audience Manager in Google AdWords to see all of the Remarketing Lists you have that are eligible for the Google Display Network, Google Search Network, and YouTube.

You need to have populated lists through your Google AdWords audience manager in order to target them on the search network. We recommend a minimum of a 100 person list, which still might be too small.

After you have created your Google AdWords campaign, you can go to your Campaign or Ad Group and add Audiences for targeting. You have two options, Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) targeting or Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA) observation. We recommend Observation unless you have large Remarketing audiences, which would make more sense for Targeting.