In this video, we answer the What is Google AdWords questions so you can understand Google AdWords and how it works. Google AdWords is a massive advertising service and platform where people can run search ads, display ads, video ads, and app ads across the Google Search Network and Google Display Network.

Google AdWords Homepage:

How Google AdWords Works:

Google AdWords Pricing:

Google AdWords Tools:

Some of the different places you can target your ads include the Google search engine, Google search partners like, the Google Display Network, Gmail, YouTube, and more.

We go through the ads on the search network where you target keywords as people type in relevant and targeted search queries. You can target a keyword like ppc advertising and then serve your ad.

Google AdWords Ad Types:

Search Ads: You can run search advertisements on the Google Search Engine and the Google Search Partners. You are able to target different keywords using the AdWords keyword match types so you can serve your pay per click ads to targeted customers.

Display Ads: You can run banner advertisements all across the Google Display Network targeting placements, interests, in-market audiences, customer match audiences, email list audiences, remarketing audiences, and contextual keywords.

Video Ads: You can run pre-roll and mid-roll video ads before videos across YouTube and the Google Display Network.