When it comes to Google Ads Keyword Match Types, there's a lot you need to know as an advertiser. There are 4 total keyword match types with Google AdWords, and all of them can have a huge impact on campaign performance. If you are setting up your campaign for the first time, you might be making mistakes with the way you target keywords in your search campaigns. All keyword targeting should be separated into different Ad Groups, and you want to use the correct keywords in order to drive conversions like leads, sales, and ultimately revenue for your business.

Keyword Match Types Surfside PPC Article: https://surfsideppc.com/keyword-match-types/

The Four Keyword Match Types through Google Ads:

1. Broad Match Keywords

Broad match keywords in Google Ads have no symbols or modifiers, you simply enter the keyword and click submit. For example, if you want to target the keyword Dry Dog Food, you would just type that keyword like normal and select Broad Match as your Match Type when you are targeting keywords through Google AdWords

2. Modified Broad Match Keywords

Modified Broad Match Keywords in Google Ads have plus-signs (+) in front of each individual word that needs to appear in the search query. For example, when you want to target the modified broad match keyword +Dry +Dog +Food you would enter it just like that. The Plus Symbol '+' represents each word that must be added to the search query by a potential customer in the Google Search Engine in order for your Google AdWords Ad to show for that person.

3. Phrase Match Keywords

The Phrase Match symbol are quotes "" around the Phrase Match Keyword you want to target in Google Ads. For example, when you want to target the phrase "Dry Dog Food" you would enter it just like that. The phrase will be surrounded with quotes to show that the phrase match keyword you are targeting must have that phrase in the search query. Additional words can be surrounded in a search query, but the phrase must appear.

4. Exact Match Keywords

Exact Match Keywords in Google Ads are surrounded by brackets. The search query must match the Exact Match Keyword or be a close variant. For example, when you want to target the phrase [Dry Dog Food] with the exact match version, you would enter just like that. The exact keyword match will be surrounded by brackets and Google Ads will only show your AdWords Ad when there is an exact match.

Close Variants aka Close Variations in Google Ads: "So that you don't miss out on potential customers, we may show your ads for close variations on broad match modifier, phrase match, and exact match keywords. Close variations of these match types can include misspellings, singular or plural forms, acronyms, abbreviations, accents, and stemmings (such as floor and flooring), and for exact match keywords, this includes queries with the same meaning."

Source: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7478529?hl=en

What are match types in AdWords?

Match Types refer to keywords and the different types of keywords you can target through Google Ads. Every keyword you target has a match type and it can be broad, modified broad, phrase, or exact match.

What is the difference between exact match and phrase match?

Exact Match Keywords will only match that exact keyword and close varients. Phrase Match Keywords will only match specific phrases that people type in, but they don't have to be exact. Phrase match keywords can include additional terms before or after your phrase and your advertisement will still appear.

What is broad match modifier?

A broad match modifier is a Plus Symbol '+' and it represents that the word in your targeted keyword must appear in the search query. They are also referred to as Broad Match Keywords with a Modifier.

How many keywords should be in Ad Group?

Ad Groups should be grouped so you can serve relevant ads and relevant landing pages to match a persons search query. Ad Groups with too many keywords generally don't perform well. Ad Groups with less keywords and relevant experiences will generally perform the best.

If you're looking for a Keyword Match Type Tool for Google Ads, here is a popular option: https://www.keywordmatchtypetool.com/