Check out our Dynamic Search Ads Step-By-Step Tutorial for Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising (AKA Bing Ads). I will show you how to implement Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads campaigns from start to finish and all the strategies and best practices you need. When you are creating Google AdWords Dynamic Search Ads and the same types of advertising campaigns in Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads), you need to know how to get started and some tips and tricks to get the most out of your campaign.

Dynamic Search Ads Surfside PPC Article:

Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads Surfside PPC Article:

One of the best ways to create a large Google Ads campaign and find any potential customer is with Dynamic Search Ads, which are sometimes referred to as DSA campaigns. If you have a large website with a lot of different pages of content, and if you have a large inventory of products or a large service catalog, Dynamic Search Ads can help you reach every potential customer as they search in Google. You do not have to worry about doing Keyword Research like you would for your standard campaigns. In addition, you can use them alongside your keyword-based search network campaigns to make sure that everyone sees your advertisements and your landing pages, and hopefully converts on your website. The main thing you need to do as an advertiser is set-up your targeting using a custom CSV Page Feed, target individual URLs on your website, target categories based on Google's index of your website, or target your entire website. Then, your ads will appear. And all you need to do is create your description lines or your Ad Text in Microsoft Advertising.

Once you create your Dynamic Search campaign in Google AdWords, you can import it directly into your Bing Ads account, which can help you save a lot of time and expand the inventory for your website advertising. I would recommend most advertisers to at least test DSA campaigns at some point, or test individual Ad Groups alongside your search network campaigns.

Dynamic Search Ads can also be useful for websites that have a lot of changes including new products and new content. It can be difficult to keep up with standard keyword-based advertising campaigns, so as you add products your ad campaigns will update as well.

When someone searches on Google with terms closely related to the titles and frequently used phrases on your website, Google Ads will use these titles and phrases to select a landing page from your website and generate a clear, relevant headline for your ad.

You have 5 different targeting options: URL Equals, URL Contains, Categories, Page Feed, and Entire Website. I recommend using a Page Feed or using URL Contains to keep your campaigns as targeted as possible. You don't want broad Ad Groups and you want to make sure your ads and landing pages closely match your customer's wants and needs.

The main way to optimize Dynamic Search Ads campaigns is with Negative Keywords. You should look at your Search Terms report almost daily to keep up with the terms that people are typing in to find your ads.

I recommend getting started with Conversion Tracking in Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising first so you can optimize for the key actions on your website.

JB Marketing Videos URL:

Google Ads Conversion Tracking With Google Analytics - Track Forms, Clicks, and Transactions:

Google Dynamic Search Ads Tutorial 2019 - How To Setup Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads Campaigns:

What Are Dynamic Search Ads Campaigns? Dynamic Search Campaigns in Google Ads and Bing Ads:

Create Google Ads Dynamic Search Ads In An Existing Search Campaign:

About Dynamic Search Ads:

Create a Dynamic Search Ad:

Create targets for Dynamic Search Ads: