Discover our Instagram Ads Tutorial to get more Video Views in 2017. Instagram video advertising is a great method to run video ads to targeting customers. You can gain more sales and customers by utilizing video view advertising.

First, you need to make sure you have an active Instagram page and a Facebook ads account. We personally use Facebook Business Manager and you can manage Instagram Video Ads through Power Editor or directly through the Facebook interface. One of the first things you will need to do is connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page. Your ads will all run through Instagram and on Instagram feeds.

Second, you need to make sure you have a video to promote with paid advertising. We recommend creating something like a commercial or a video that will make people want to learn more about your business. Video advertising is generally thought to be a great way to raise awareness about your business, product, or service. If people already know about you, then you might want to run a video describing a limited time offer or your unique value proposition. We don't go through any tutorials on creating videos or video advertisements for Instagram but once you have your video, our guide will help you run a campaign.

Third, you need to select your targeting so you can reach people on Instagram. You have a huge variety of options including retargeting, custom audiences, lookalike audiences, interest targeting, demographic targeting, geographic targeting, behaviors, and more. You can also keep narrowing down your interest groups so you can reach an audience that is highly interested in your product or service. Targeting is definitely something you want to test and for video ads it can be difficult to drive conversions.

One of the things to keep in mind is that you can build audiences based off people who watch your video. One thing you might want to do is show a website conversion ad on Instagram to people who have seen your videos.

In this video, we go over how to create Instagram Video View advertising campaigns and everything you need to know about campaign settings, location targeting, geographic targeting, and more so you can spend your money wisely.

Instagram is owned by Facebook so you have access to a lot of the same Facebook targeting tools and incredible capabilities except you get to promote in the Instagram timeline. It's a great way to gain Instagram followers, get more Instagram website traffic, get more Instagram video views, and overall to grow your channel.