Discover our Facebook Ads Tutorial for beginners. We go over how to drive more leads and sales using Facebook Advertising website conversion campaigns.

In this video, we will go through everything from setting up the Facebook Pixel to creating a conversion event and more. You will learn how to set-up Facebook targeting for your audiences, how to set-up budgets, and how to create great Facebook advertisements.

The most popular campaign goal to optimize for is conversions. First, you want set up your key performance indicators in Facebook. You could have multiple, it could be sales, it could be lead generation, so you set that up first and then you set-up your campaign and track everything.

Next, all you do is you set up the pixel site-wide and I'll just show you real quick, you just put the URL contains thank you and category is just a lead and that's basically it. Once you click next, that's all my conversion is I guess and it's just based on that pixel. It's counting ever single time someone lands on the page. How it works is I'm going to be sending traffic to this page here so people see the March, 2017 giveaway giving away a flip flop wall hook hanger. So if i come in here and we'll just do testing email. When I come here and someone comes on this page after they click my Facebook ad, they enter their email, they click subscribe, and it takes a second while they get added to the list. They get to this Beachfront Decor Thank You, and you'll see thanks for entering. And what's going to happen is it's going to fire back into Facebook here. Facebook's able to track that we sent a person to Beachfront Decor after they signed up. Here we are showing you they just signed up and you are able to optimize your campaigns that way because you can see what's working and what's not. You know if I send 100 people there and no one converts I have an issue. If I send 10 people there and 5 convert then I obviously have a great campaign.

Let's come back to our account here and get started with the campaign. Some of the parts are done so all you do is click Create Ad. When you click create ad, you're going to see your first campaign page, campaign, ad set, and ad. From the campaign page you set-up your marketing objective. For this one, it's going to be conversions so you can do split-testing. This is going to be more of a simple video tutorial you're going to want to do more split-testing as you go. Actually, you want to start with some split testing but this is just going to b simple. So for our ad set name I'm going to be targeting people who are interested in beaches and beach decor. I'll find some different interest categories to target. When you come in here it's going to say select a conversion event. Whatever you use comes up the most and you can set all these up. If you have a Shopify website you can set-up Purchase and all these different things AddToCart. So different things you can do newsletter signups when someone hits a Thank You page from a Facebook ad.

What I like to do is expand interests because I would rather expand over time. I'm going to show my ad on automatic placements so you'll be shown on Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network. We're going to edit automatic placements and keep all devices and we're going to get ride of Instagram and the audience network. I'm not going to be running on other platforms just on Facebook.

Next, we're going to upload our ad. You want to upload your image and they recommend 1200 pixels by 628 pixels. 1200x628 is the recommended image ratio and I've also used 600x315 ads with plenty of success so it doesn't have to be that large. The other thing is do not use a lot of overlay text. You want to use a very visual image with limited to no text. Some clients like to use tons of text and many times they get disapproved. Facebook wants less than 20% coverage of text on all ads because they want ads to be visual and engaging.

Here's my ad it's uploaded and I don't have any ad copy around it at all. I'm going to add my URL and this is important. When you're grabbing your URL for your ad you want to set-up Google Analytics tracking. What we're going to do is enter our new website URL so we have our URL for our giveaway campaign. Next, set-up campaign source, name, and Facebook so the source is Facebook. Terms identifies the keywords or audiences you are targeting. That's how to differentiate ads. I only have one ad but you can add as many ads as you need to.