Check out our Facebook video ads tutorial updated for 2017 and 2018. We cover Facebook video advertising campaign set-up, tips, video ads examples and more in this tutorial. If you have no experience with Facebook video ads, this tutorial will give you the step-by-step process you need to begin. We recommend this video for beginners. However, some of our Facebook video marketing tips will be very helpful throughout the tutorial. Facebook video ads can be helpful for business so there are plenty of reasons to use them.

Helpful URLs:

You can read our blog about Facebook Video Advertising best practices, strategies, tips, and different types of Video Ads here:

Facebook Custom Audiences and Saved Audiences Tutorial:

How to Add the Facebook Pixel to Your Website:

Video Description:

First, we start in Power Editor in our Facebook ads manager account. We will be running ads for our business, Surfside PPC. We click on Create Campaign to get started, name the Facebook video ads campaign, and change the objective from Traffic to Video Views. We have our main goal be Facebook video views with our paid advertising but we can also drive some traffic and leads as well in the process.

After we get everything set-up, we name our first Video Ad Set and our first Video Ad. We then click on the Ad Set link so we can adjust our targeting. It's