If you are curious about how to Install the Facebook Pixel and how to Create Custom Conversions with Facebook Ads, our tutorial will help you get started with Facebook Ads Conversion Tracking. It can be very difficult to get started with Facebook Ads Manager and Facebook Advertising campaigns, but the first step to take is installing the Facebook Pixel so you can create audiences and track conversions on your website. Whether you want to track leads for your WordPress website, ticket sales, or purchases on your Shopify website, our Facebook Advertising Pixel tutorial will help you learn how to do it.

You can create a Facebook Pixel by going to your Facebook Ads Manager account for your website, creating a Pixel from the drop-down menu, clicking on Pixels, and then copying the code and inserting it on your website. If you are using a different provider, they should all have examples on how to Install your Facebook Pixel and the different types of conversions you can track.

The Facebook Pixel Code can be found after you create your pixel, and you want to place the Pixel Code for your Facebook Account directly on your website sitewide. You can add Facebook Pixel to your WordPress website with ease using the Insert Headers and Footers plugin or the PixelYourSite WordPress plugin. Both are linked below, along with guides for Shopify, Squarespace, and more. I highly recommend using Partner Integrations because Facebook Ads will allow you to connect to a variety of partners

Facebook Pixel Shopify Guide: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/promoting-marketing/analyze-marketing/facebook-pixel

Squarespace Facebook Pixel: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115015760107-Using-Facebook-Pixel-with-Squarespace

PixelYourSite WordPress Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/pixelyoursite/

How do Facebook ads use pixels?

Your Facebook campaigns can use your pixel to track conversions on your website and create audiences. Essentially, the Facebook Pixel is used to track everything that happens on your website so that you can create more optimized campaigns and get the most out of your advertising budget.

How do I get the Facebook Pixel 2019?

First, you want to sign-in to your Facebook Ads Manager. We use Facebook Business Manager to manage all of our advertisements. When you open your Facebook Ad Account, you will click on the Menu in the top left corner and then click on Pixels. From there you can add a new data source, which includes your Facebook Pixel. The Pixel is placed on your website so you can track everything that people are doing on your website.

What is a FB pixel?

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that you place between the header tags sitewide on your website. Millions of websites have the Facebook Pixel on them, which is why Facebook has such a powerful advertising platform.

URL: https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/facebook-ads-pixel

Benefits of using the Facebook Pixel:

- Measure cross-device conversions, which will help you know how your ads perform across devices.
- Optimize for your audiences, which are most likely to convert with the Facebook Pixel
- Optimize delivery to people likely to take action
- Ensure your ads are shown to the people most likely to take action.
- Retarget website visitors with the Facebook Pixel
- Create custom audiences from website visitors
- Dynamic ads help you automatically show website visitors the products they viewed on your website—or related ones.

How the Facebook pixel works:

When someone visits your website and either views a page, adds a product to their cart, signs up for an account, searches in the search bar, or buys something, the Facebook pixel is triggered and reports this action. This way, you'll know when a customer took an action after seeing your Facebook ad. You'll also be able to reach this customer again by using a custom audience. When more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook gets better at delivering your ads to people who are more likely to take certain actions. This is called conversion optimization.

Facebook Pixel Partner Integrations:

Zoho CRM
Google Tag Manager

You can install the Facebook Pixel with ease by simply using the partner integrations for the website providers, tag managers, and CRM systems above.