Check out our video where we go over how to make money on YouTube in 2018. The video is a YouTube Google AdSense tutorial that teaches you tricks and strategies for uploading videos and earning from your channel. You can make money online with your YouTube channel in 2018 even if you are a beginner. This is the 2nd part in our video series, in the first video we have a YouTube Google AdSense tutorial that covers how to set-up Google AdSense on your new channel. The video above covers how to get your channel to 10,000 views so you can start monetization with ads.
How to Make Money on YouTube:
Helpful URLs:
Google AdSense:
Create a YouTube Account:
YouTube AdSense Tutorial 2017-2018 - How to Set-Up YouTube AdSense Monetization:
YouTube Ads Campaign Tutorial:
How to Make Money on YouTube:
First, we start by going over how to come up with ideas within your niche for YouTube videos. You want your channel to cover a topic so you can have interested subscribers who enjoy your videos. One of the most important things, when you are trying to make money with YouTube, is video creation. You can do interviews, speeches, screen recordings, live videos, rants, and more. You can even create audio based videos like people do with songs. However, you cannot monetize video content that you don't own so make sure it is your original content.
If you have trouble creating videos, I would recommend taking a class or doing a ton of research and testing. You can learn how to make videos by trying it every single day, failing, improving, failing, and improving until you can make great videos.
Next, we go over how to come up with profitable YouTube video ideas so you can target keywords and reach people every single day. You don't want to create videos that no one is looking for, but you want to create quality content around your niche so you can grow your subscribers and get thousands of YouTube views every day. The ultimate key is driving YouTube views so that should be your focus in order to earn Google AdSense revenue.