YouTube Ad Extensions were first announced in 2017 with Location Extensions, but now YouTube is adding even more extensions. YouTube is going to Add More Ad Extensions like Google Search Ads, so you can have YouTube Form Extensions to go along with your Location Extensions, in addition to new ad formats.

YouTube has long struggled to have good companion links during a video ad so people can both interact with your business and watch their video. If you could quickly pause the video you are watching, book movie tickets for the weekend, and continue to watch your video then it's a much better user experience than the current set-up.

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You can help viewers take action and drive more conversions for your business with new YouTube Advertising Extensions. Ads should be actionable and user-friendly, and the YouTube Trueview format will continue to improve with new ad extensions. There are a variety of use-cases that show you can increase CTR and improve your overall video campaign.

Soon you’ll be able to make your video ads more actionable with a greater variety of ad extensions. Similar to extensions on Search ads, extensions on YouTube enhance your video ad with additional useful information—giving consumers more reasons to take action. You can already add location and form extensions (currently in beta) to your TrueView in-stream ads. Now we’re exploring additional use cases that encourage viewers to complete lower-funnel actions like finding the next movie showtime, downloading an app or booking a trip.