Check out our video where we cover all the different types of YouTube Remarketing Lists you can create. When you want to create YouTube Retargeting campaigns and Remarketing ads using Google Ads, you need to learn all the different types of YouTube Remarketing Audiences that you can create so you can get the most out of your campaigns. Targeting your Remarketing audiences through Google Ads is a best practice, so we try to make it easy to understand all the different types of Remarketing Lists that you can create to drive more leads, sales, and views with your YouTube Video Advertising campaigns.

YouTube Advertising Playlist:

When you get started, you first want to make sure that your YouTube account is linked to your Google Ads account. That will allow you to see more details about your YouTube Ads campaigns and create YouTube Remarketing Audiences through Google Ads Audience Manager. After your accounts are linked, you want to open Audience Manager, which will show all of your website visitors Remarketing audiences, app users, combined lists, customer lists, and YouTube lists.

What you want to do is click on the Plus Sign and choose 'YouTube Users' from the dropdown menu. You will see the option to 'Choose the people you'd like to include in this audience' and the source, which should show your YouTube channel there. We selected our Surfside PPC YouTube channel, and it should show your total subscribers and videos. In addition, you can change membership durations when you create YouTube Remarketing Lists to include people for 1 day all the up to 540 days.

Types of YouTube Remarketing Lists:

1. Viewed any video from a channel - Target anyone who has viewed a video from your channel within a certain time period. This includes every single video that you have uploaded from your channel.

2. Viewed certain videos - Segment people who have viewed certain videos on your channel. You can choose a specific category or playlist to keep a very targeted YouTube Remarketing List based on the videos that people watched.

3. Viewed any video (as an ad) from a channel - When you are running YouTube Ads, you can use YouTube Retargeting campaigns to target people who have viewed any ad from your channel.

4. Viewed certain videos as ads - If you are running multiple videos as advertisements, you can choose specific videos that people have watched as advertisements already and remarket to them with new video ads or display ads.

5. Subscribed to a channel - Target people who have recently subscribed to your YouTube channel within a specific time period.

6. Visited a channel page - Create a YouTube Remarketing Audience for anyone who has visited your channel page.

7. Liked any video from a channel

8. Added any video from a channel to a playlist

9. Commented on any video from a channel

10. Shared any video from a channel

Keep in mind, from Google Ads it will say "Your use of remarketing lists must comply with the Personalized advertising policy and the Google EU user consent policy."