If you are interested in finding out ways to outsource content creation and outsource blog content, look no further than iWriter. It is a great service that I have used for years to help me create more content for my websites, my blogs, and even client websites. When you are short on time, which we all are, it can be very helpful to invest some money into the content, the blog articles, and more for your website. With iWriter, you can outsource everything from a short description to a complete blog article, to an eBook, to a Kindle book. You can hire a ghostwriter to write your articles and help you outsource SEO and content creation.

If you are not ready to hire a full-time writer or even a part-time writer or freelancer to help with your content creation and content marketing strategy, you can outsource marketing and Search Engine Optimization by finding some great writers on iWriter. It is a tremendous platform that will connect you with writers of all skill levels who will write articles about any subject you need. One of the best ways to improve your SEO and rank higher in Google is to publish more content around your most popular keywords. You can get started with doing just that by creating a free iWriter account, adding funds to your account, and requesting articles. Best of all, you can publish your outsourced content directly to WordPress, or you can download it yourself. And iWriter has Copyscape built in so you do not have to worry about getting plagiarized content or even spun content that has simply been re-written by a writer.

Some of the questions I get often are how to outsource digital marketing or how to outsource content creation. I would highly recommend giving iWriter a try today to see if it will work for you and your business. For some businesses, it may not be the solution you need. However, if you need articles ranging from 150 words all the way to 2,000+ words, then iWriter can help you get started.

iWriter Home: https://www.iwriter.com/

Order Content from iWriter: https://www.iwriter.com/order-content

Common Outsourcing Questions:

How do you outsource content?

You need to first understand the type of content you want to outsource. From there, you can use a variety of sources to find writers who will create professional content and blog articles for your business.

Where can I outsource?

I would recommend giving iWriter a try for outsourcing content creation. I use 'Elite' writers and focus on giving as much information as possible to the writers so they can give me a great article that I can publish to my website.

How much does content creation cost?

It will vary depending on the subject matter, the experience of the content creator, and what type of content you need created. A well-researched 300-word article will cost about $15-$20, but it can go all the way up to $30-$50 depending on your needs. As written content becomes longer and more difficult, it will be more expensive. A well-researched and well-written 1,000+ word article can cost upwards of $100, because it will take the outsourced writer hours to complete.

How can I hire a freelancer?

There are plenty of websites online like Upwork.com, Freelancer.com, and Guru.com that allow you to hire a freelancer. If you are simply looking for written content where you can find great writers for your website, give iWriter a try. If a writer can give you the content you are looking for, you can find an inexpensive solution to outsource blog posts and written content.