Check out our Google Ads Geofencing guide so you can learn how to use Geofencing with Google AdWords. You want to make sure your location targeting set with Google Ads so your Geotargeting is set for the best possible locations for your business. Geographic targeting with Google Ads doesn't have to be difficult, we go through a simple process for setting your locations and making sure that only people in your targeted locations see your advertisements.

Google Ads Geotargeting Surfside PPC Article:

Google Ads Location Targeting:

When it comes to Geofencing in Google Ads, you simply need to set your location and set your targeted location as people who are in your targeted area. That way, anyone who is within your targeting area will see your advertisements.

Can you target Google AdWords by location?

Yes, you can target the following locations below.

Locations You Can Target through Google Ads:

- Country:
- Region
- State
- Nielsen® DMA® regions
- Congressional district
- County
- Municipality
- City
- Postal code
- Airport
- Borough
- City region
- Neighborhood
- University
- District

What is Geofence Advertising? What is Geofencing in Google Ads?

Google Ads Geofencing is a process where you set a specific location that you want to see your advertisements. If you don't set your locations properly, then people in areas unrelated to your business might see your advertisement as well.

How expensive is geofencing?

You don't pay any additional costs for the locations you target. However, some markets like New York City and Los Angeles will be more expensive to target due to average household income and overall competition. You should target the best possible locations for your business regardless.

How do I Geotarget in AdWords?

You can set your AdWords Geotargeting through your campaign settings and it is very simple. You can target specific markets, countries, states, cities, zip codes, radius targeting, and more.

Helpful Article from Salesforce:

The Power of Geofencing and How to Add It to Your Marketing:

"Mobile marketing has been taken to the next level with geofencing, which gives companies the ability to advertise specifically to potential customers within a certain geographic radius. Geofencing constructs a virtual boundary around a business location using a combination of technologies, including:

GPS - The Global Positioning System is a network of satellites orbiting the earth that can triangulate an individual’s location to an accurate degree.

Radio frequency identifiers - Bluetooth technology contains small computer chips that use radio waves to connect with each other."