Learn how to set up Google Ads Conversion Tracking. We have 4 different ways to track Google Ads conversions using your Google Ads account, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), and Universal Google Analytics (UA). You can track any order confirmation page or lead confirmation page on your website and use that as a conversion.

Video Chapters:
02:02 How to use Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4 to track Google Ads conversions
19:16 How to use Google Analytics 4 to track Google Ads conversions
22:56 How to use Google Ads and Google Tag Manager to track conversions.
28:55 How to use Google Analytics (UA) to track Google Ads conversions.

Helpful URLs:

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tejuXLXquXg

Google Ads Conversion Tracking Google Analytics 4 & Google Tag Manager: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHXxyCgMuuQ

Google Ads Phone Call Conversion Tracking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPsGMSc63Ps

Google Ads Google Tag Conversion Tracking: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu6NJpGRBOk

Google Ads Conversion Tracking on Surfside PPC: https://surfsideppc.com/google-ads-conversion-tracking/

Google Ads Guide on Surfside PPC: https://surfsideppc.com/google-ads/

Google Ads Tutorials Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RXnGvkyjVw&list=PLCKZKQoSq6y4PlNrLqTbA-oQ8GFPn_eeh

#GoogleAds #ConversionTracking #SurfsidePPC #GoogleAdWords

Video Description:

In this video, I will show you 4 different methods you can use to track your Google Ads conversions. If you have a page where traffic is redirected to after submitting an order or a form on your website, you can track that page as a conversion. Then, you can utilize Google Ads smart bidding strategies to optimize for more conversions. It's the best way to get the most out of your Google Ads budget.

The first method is my recommended option, where you create an event with Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4. Then, you can set up that event as a conversion in your Google Analytics 4 account. The event will be a page view on your confirmation page. Lastly, you can import the conversion directly into your Google Ads account after you link your GA4 and Google Ads accounts.

The second method involves just using Google Analytics 4. You can create an event in Google Analytics 4 that tracks every time someone visits a specific page on your website. Then, you can set up that event as a conversion in your GA4 account. Lastly, you can import that conversion into your Google Ads account.

The third method involves using Google Ads and creating a new conversion. Then, you want to create a new Google Ads Conversion tag for your confirmation page in Google Tag Manager using the ID and Label they give you in Google Ads. Next, you need to set up the conversion linker tag through Google Tag Manager. Now Google Ads will track your confirmation page as a conversion.

The fourth method involves using Universal Google Analytics and creating a Goal in your Google Analytics (UA) account. Then, you can import that Goal as a conversion into your Google Ads account. You will need to make sure your Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked as well.