If you are wondering how to install WordPress, it is a simple process. This video will show how to manually install WordPress. While many web hosting companies offer 1-click installations and easy installations directly through your hosting account, you may still want to install WordPress yourself. The main thing you will need to get started is a Web Hosting account. The 2 main web hosts I use are Bluehost and Hostgator, but there are plenty of options that you can choose from. The process of installing WordPress on your server is pretty simple and it involves uploading the WordPress files, creating a database for your website, creating a database user that can access the database for your website, updating your wp-config.php file, and going through the WordPress Install process for your domain.

Helpful URLs:

How To Install WordPress: https://wordpress.org/support/article/how-to-install-wordpress/

Download WordPress: https://wordpress.org/download/

WordPress Tutorial for Beginners 2019-2020 - How to Create Your First WordPress Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwiEcmbPjo0

In the video, I will go through the step-by-step process for installing WordPress. If you are wondering How do I manually install WordPress? then this is the video and description for you. The steps are below:

1. Download the latest version of WordPress for free at https://wordpress.org/download/
2. Extract the file and Compress and create a new Zip file all of the WordPress files that you will need to upload.
3. Upload the Zip File and Extract the files on your server. You can do this directly through your web hosting control panel (cpanel) through File Manager. I uploaded mine directly to the public_html folder, but you want to navigate to the folder where your files will be hosted for your website.
4. Create a new MySQL Database on your web hosting server.
5. Create a MySQL Database User that will be used to access your MySQL Database.
6. Add the User with Full Privelages to the MySQL Database.
7. Go back to file manager and rename the wp-config-sample.php file to wp-config.php.
8. Edit the WP-Config.php file and update your database name, database user, and database password that you created in the previous steps.
9. Go to your website or go directly to the wp-admin install file located on your server.
10. Install WordPress, create your username, and log in.

How do I install WordPress on my website? How do I download and install WordPress?

You can follow the video, but you need to sign-up for Web Hosting, open the Control Panel (cpanel) for your web hosting account, upload the WordPress files, create a MySQL Database and Database User, Edit your wp-config.php file, and install WordPress.

Do I need to install WordPress?

If you want WordPress to power your website, then you will need to install it on your web hosting server for your domain name. Many web hosts offer easy installation processes or you can use the manual method shown in the video.

How do I start using WordPress?

You need web hosting and then you need to install WordPress.

How do I install WordPress for free?

WordPress is 100% free to download and install, but you will need to purchase a domain name and website hosting to host your website. You can host your website for $2-4/month with many plans, but more powerful hosting servers will be more expensive and may cost $100+ per month.

Can I download WordPress to my computer?

Yes, by going directly to https://wordpress.org/download/ you can download the latest version of WordPress to your computer.