In this video we will cover what is Linked List and explain different traversal programs - print, count, sum, product, min, max, search etc.

00:00 What is a linked list
00:15 Difference between arrays and linked list
02:26 Creating a Node and LinkedList Class
04:48 Single Linked List Traversal
06:33 Program to print all nodes in a linked list
06.53 Program to print only + ve nodes in a linked list
07:31 Program to count all nodes in a linked list
08:21 Program to count nodes with data greater than 18 in a linked list
08:58 Program to find sum of all nodes in a linked list
09:46 Program to find sum of all nodes with even nos in a linked list
10:23 Program to find product of all nodes in a linked list
11:19 Program to find product of all odd nodes in a linked list
11:57 Program to find min of all nodes in a linked list
12:43 Program to find max of all nodes in a linked list
13:26 Program to search for a node in a linked list