Researchers and scientists are always looking for new treatments because the world is full of ailments and conditions. However, the best method to deal with any illness or condition is to take preventative measures. Granted, many cardiac diseases and disorders are inherited, making prevention difficult, if not impossible. However, a heart attack is not inevitable and can be avoided. If you ignore the warning signals of a heart attack, you increase your chances of having one. In the United States, heart disease affects more than 90 million people. The health of the entire body depends on a healthy heart. Without a continuous heartbeat, you cannot sustain life. This risk increases with the severity of the injury.

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⏱️ Intro - 0:00
⏱️ 9. Nausea & Or Indigestion - 01:24
⏱️ 8. Feverish Chills & Lightheadedness - 02:03
⏱️ 7. Pressure Or Pain In The Chest - 02:51
⏱️ 6. Feeling Weak - 03:49
⏱️ 5. Flu Like Symptoms - 04:07
⏱️ 4. Chronic Fatigue - 04:55
⏱️ 3. Shortness Of Breath - 05:39
⏱️ 2. Insomnia - 06:08
⏱️ 1. Stomach Pain - 06:34

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️ Summary:
Number 9. Nausea and/or indigestion

More than half of heart attacks in both men and women are preceded by abdominal pain. Stomach discomfort, nausea on an empty or full stomach, or a general feeling of fullness could be signs. The body's reaction to low blood oxygen levels may be to blame for this. A heart attack can also cause acid reflux, popularly known as heartburn. Pay attention to your body and get medical help right away if you notice anything out of the ordinary.

Number 8. Feverish chills and lightheadedness.

If your body doesn't pump enough blood to your brain, your mind won't get what it needs to work right. This is an indication that your safety is in jeopardy. If the shaking and cold sweats don't stop, you should consult a doctor.

Number 7. Pressure or pain in the chest.

This is one of the most obvious warning signs of a heart attack. The lack of oxygen-rich blood to the heart causes a painful condition known as angina. This symptom is sometimes disregarded since it is mistaken for indigestion. However, persistent pressure is an unmistakable warning sign of an impending heart attack. Having cardiac problems might cause unusual chest pain or pressure.

Number 6. Feeling Weak.

You may be having a heart attack if you start sweating excessively, feel weak, or experience nausea, jaw pain, or chest discomfort. When your arteries begin to thin, you experience symptoms of a heart attack. When arteries get narrowed, blood cannot circulate as it should. The heart will fail if it does not receive enough blood. Keep an eye out for warnings!

Number 5. Flu Like Symptoms.

The onset of flu-like symptoms is a warning sign that a heart attack is imminent. Fever, exhaustion, and chest pain are all indications of this condition. These signs and symptoms usually disappear after 2–10 days. If you're over a certain age and you're experiencing these symptoms and you know you're not having a heart attack, you should consult a doctor.

Number 4. Chronic Fatigue.

It's possible that your heart isn't getting enough blood if you suddenly and inexplicably begin to feel exhausted and unenergetic. This typically happens when there is a lot of plaque buildup in the arteries that supply and drain the heart.

Number 3. Shortness Of Breath.

Another common symptom of a heart attack is difficulty breathing. You can feel like your breathing is getting harder or that you just can't get enough air. Wheezing and coughing are also possible side effects. If your heart isn't able to pump enough blood, your body could die. Symptoms of shortness of breath can include chest pain or discomfort, weakness, dizziness, and even nausea.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

Disclaimer: Doc Healthy's videos and channel are not meant to replace professional medical advice or treatment, but rather to serve as a resource for anyone interested in health and wellness. If you are experiencing any sort of health problem, you should contact a doctor immediately.