Your body relies on your heart, so it is only fair that you take care of it. Every 37 seconds, someone in the United States loses their life as a result of cardiovascular disease. Did you know that coronary heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States? Your heart's well-being should be a top priority.

Knowing which foods to avoid or limit may save your life, as studies have shown that doing so can prevent arterial plaque buildup. Plaque buildup causes clogged arteries, which reduces blood flow to tissues and organs.

It is now widely accepted that avoiding junk food is critical to maintaining a healthy heart. But it is not that simple. There are times when nothing but ice cream or greasy pizza will do.

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12 Early WARNING Signs Your KIDNEYS Are In Danger Of Failure -

⏱️ Intro - 0:00
⏱️Canned Foods - 01:01
⏱️Cheese And Whole Milk - 02:43
⏱️Ice Cream - 04:20
⏱️Red Meat - 05:35
⏱️Baked Goods - 06:56
⏱️Bacon - 07:42
⏱️Fried Chicken And Fried Food - 09:10
⏱️Butter - 10:59
⏱️Sugary Beverages - 12:31
⏱️Pizza - 14:22
⏱️Potato Chips - 16:08
⏱️Frozen Meals - 17:06

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️ Summary:
Canned Foods

Canned soup, as surprising as it may sound, is bad for your heart, regardless of how many vegetables are included. The reason for this is the high sodium content of canned soup.

Over 1600 milligrams of sodium can be found in just one can of cream of chicken soup. Over 70 percent of your recommended daily allowance. The 200 calories in this soup mean that it probably will not fill you up if you eat it for lunch. Because of this, you will probably start eating more.

Cheese And Whole Milk

Because milk products are so common, drinking whole milk and eating cheese can be very bad for your health. Consuming an excessive amount of these items has been linked to blocked arteries, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, two of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. That's why, before going back to your regular diet, you need to know how much milk and cheese you can safely consume daily.

Limiting dairy to no more than two servings per day is recommended by health experts, who advise substituting soy milk or almond milk instead. Maintaining physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle requires a commitment to making nutritious food choices on a regular basis. Cutting back on whole milk and other high fat dairy products is a terrific strategy to boost health.

Ice Cream

Whether we're feeling joyful, sad, or anxious, we typically reach for a tub of our go to ice cream. I wouldn't even mind being stuck behind an ice cream truck. Unfortunately, ice cream can be extremely bad for the heart. It should come as no surprise that ice creams are unhealthy due to their high fat and sugar content.

The milk fat in ice cream is where the fat comes from. Milk's high saturated fat content contributes to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. Regular ice cream consumption could be extremely harmful for someone with preexisting hypertension. High levels of cholesterol are dangerous because they build up in the arteries and make them stiff. The blood supply is diminished as a result.

Red Meat

The addition of red meat to any meal elevates the meal to a feast. Red meats are wonderful, but eating too much of them is unhealthy. You should give this some serious consideration before eating your favorite steak again.

Researchers found that chemicals produced by gut microbes in response to eating red meat (such as, beef, pork, bison, venison) may help explain why red meat consumption is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Baked Goods.

Baked goods taste great, but your love of muffins, macaroons, and doughnuts can severely compromise your health. Even if pies are your neighborhood baker's specialty, you shouldn't be eating them on a regular basis. Trans fats found in baked goods have been shown to disrupt normal heart function. The rapid shutdown of heart functions can occur if baked products are a regular part of your diet.


Simply put, less bacon is better! Your heart will appreciate it tenfold. While many agree on bacon's unique and delectable flavor, they may not be aware of the health dangers associated with eating too much of it. Because of its high fat content, bacon may increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

Disclaimer: Doc Healthy's videos and channel are not meant to replace professional medical advice or treatment, but rather to serve as a resource for anyone interested in health and wellness. If you are experiencing any sort of health problem, you should contact a doctor immediately.